Thursday, June 28, 2007

cloture fails......we win?

for now

the vote was more loppsided than anyone predicted. even mcconnell voted against cloture. jeeeze----those calls worked!

46 yeas, 53 nays

Reid is discussing skin color....

who's the race obsessed one?

Reid is asking for sympathy.....

because he is getting hate mail and death threats. Look the opponents are in with the baddies, vote them down................(waaaaaaaaaaaa 2)

Now he's on Talk Radio. "Generators of Simplicity" ---Fairness Doctrine.

I don't believe any United States Senator is filled with venom.
"My family has been enriched by immigration" ---I am sure it has.

Reid is closing it out.......

"Immigration is a problem all over America"

Kyl is no longer a conservative......but Arlen is?

"Skepticism is not an excuse for inaction". Oh yes it is. Burke. Kirk. Coolidge. Buckley. My heart sinks over Kyl on this issue, if he had done his Judad dee silently and I hadn't heard that statement, I would have kept up hope that he'd be hoodwinked but Kyl's not dumb, just doing what he really believes.

Specter is using his last bit of time to explain away opinion polls, democracy, the words of constituents. If Specter ever runs or even bothers to endorse again---his quoting Burke that the "rabble" are not to be trusted, one needs elite opinion---would make great attack ads.

Kennedy calls to the ancients.......

the founding fathers..........and begins yelling again.

"This bill is strong, fair and practical."

"For our hopes, or for Fears"?

Ted Kennedy's plea really takes any wind out of their sail, he's so polarizing. I would have hid him from sight if I were the crafters.

Phone system is crashed

according to the three musketeers.......bravo guys, bravo.

Sessions last stand.....

Custer's last standwas just a few days ago and now Vitter, Sessions, and Demint stand there waiting for the Indians to come over the hill. They do not know their fate, they know the odds were long, they are long, but they know they have no choice. Maybe it'll turn out differently this time. Maybe.

Ken Salazar is invoking who?

Cesar Chavez?!? seriously?

If you are trying to win the hearts of bill opponents, he is probably not a good example. Moreover right-wingers like digging up quotes from Cesar Chavez condemning illegal immigration: Chavez in Congress:

when the farm workers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking. I do not remember one single instance in 30 years where the Immigration service has removed strikebreakers. … The employers use professional smugglers to recruit and transport human contraband across the Mexican border for the specific act of strikebreaking…

It's an odd choice, Ken.

Graham Cracker.....

is doing the two-step on the Senate floor to explain who is what side of this bill, asking Senators to raise their hands?

He "wish{es} they would go away".....really Lindsey?

Kyl sounds like an immigration hawk......

but he's backing this bill as a positive move over nothing. I have a small glimpse into the Kyl office in DC and I must have missed something. His mail in 2006 was 95-5% for strict enforcement and no amnesty. Some of it was nasty, he was strong on the issue. Maybe he just got sick of being out of power. Lott and McConnell ignored him too long on conservative issues like pork and defense, so he decided to play ball.....or maybe McCain offered him something in a McCain cabinet, which right now looks like delusion.

Kyl is buoyed by his 6 reprieve from the voters---maybe AZans will forget by then, maybe.

DiFi: They don't understand.......

(waaaaaaaaaa, Lucy) Difi is extolling the bill as the enlightened choice. "We are very close to the votes required. I dont know what to say to people who are undecided."

I really think they've lost. They are in, dare I say, their 'death throes'. This is so painful for them. They've put themselves out on this bill, with really no constituency to back them up. They aren't winning votes on this. Big Business isn't more apt to vote for them, Hispanics (which are all over the spectrum on the bill and its provisions) aren't in lock step on this.

"I come to the floor to plead. Let us finish this bill."

She must have said please 15 times in 5 minutes.

Specter whining......

as usual. But this time he is upset about the Baucus "manuever"--whereby the opponents switched their votes to keep Baucus' watering down of the REAL ID.

Specter (RINO-Philly) is begging for a yes on cloture. Begging.


He is splitting time with Kennedy and saying that this is the "best bill possible" and "opponents don't have anything better".

And now he is blaming opponents for railroading the process. It's "their own fault, they stopped others from offering amendments". If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough you belong to believe it.

Kennedy vs Specter?

Specter is in control of the opposition?

Kennedy is yelling. YELLING. about the Gestapo. About Buses from Los Angeles to New York. Greyhound Nazis?

He's getting worked up. Really worked up. I think they must have lost the votes for cloture 'cause Teddy is pissed.

Senate is Back.....

1050AM Cloture vote according to Reid

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bill Round-up

Baucus amendment on "Real ID" was not tabled, per the wishes of Grand Bargainers. This means that they have possibly allowed a poisoned pill into the debate. I find it unlikely that this Baucus bill actually kills the bill since so much has already been sacrificed by both Bargainer sides.

Sessions says Baucus' amendment proves the Senate is "frustrated".

Senate stands adjourned at 812PM EDT.Re-opens 930am

Be back later tonight......

I too much rip myself away from CSPAN but I'll post a roundup later and blog realtime tomorrow.

Sessions is on the floor....

discussing wage decreases...but what example does the distinguished Senator from Alabama use to explain how wages work? COTTON!
Really, Jeff, seriously.

I begin to hum.........
O, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie Land.

Has anyone else noticed?

The new name of "Comprehensive Immigration Reform":

Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007

You know Teddy Kennedy and Bush's mitts are all over this. No Child Left Behind Numero Dos?

Menendez-Obama-Feingold Points amendment

is dead.........

Menendez bill going down......

They haven't picked up a single GOP vote yet (about half) and both Nelson and Feinstein have voted for tabling.

Reid drones on......

The Democrats are stealing time......then moves to table Menendez's amendment.

Kyl amendment next?

But Menendez is asking a "question"....about his Obama-Menendez-Feingold to give 'points' to families.

Dodd Amendment Voted on now.....

Vote to table (kill) Dodd's amendment to reinstate Family Reunification (Chain migration) to US immgration.

56 Yeas, 41 No------Dodd's amendment goes down. No family reunification.

Where we are so far.......

As you all should know, the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (S. 1638) 64-35 on Tuesday June 26.

The Clay Pigeon amendment (S. 1639)
Both Hutchinson's "Touchback" Amendment (requiring illegals to leave and return) and Webb's 4 year rule (no illegals newer than 2003) failed on motions to table.

Vitter (R-LA) and Reid (D-NV) have been duking it out all afternoon, Vitter complaining ceaseless about the unfairness of the 27-amendment limit, oh yea and the fact that Reid keeps changing the wording of the near 400-pg amendment.

Last night, before debate began on the 'mega-amendment' aka claypigeon, opponents objected to waiving the Bill reading---(the bill is 800pgs written almost exclusively in legalese and euphenism--"nonimmigrants without legal status"). When the clerk went to read the bill, everyone discovered, even Reid, that Kennedy's hands hadn't finished redrafting the selected amendments.